Get the answers to these and other questions related to falls resulting in injuries:
Were there substandard conditions or code violations related to causation of the fall?
Did the site/facility meet reasonable safety standards?
Was it foreseeable that someone would fall there?
Were your client’s actions reasonable?
What could have been done that would have prevented a fall like the one your client experienced?
Richard Hicks has over 24 years investigating and testifying in slip, trip, and fall cases:
Richard Hicks has investigated more than 450 slip, trip, and fall cases and supervised investigations in over 100 other slip, trip, and fall cases.
He has qualified in court several times as an expert in slips, trips and falls.
His slip, trip, and fall investigation experience includes:
- Cases involving ramps, curb ramps, parking lots, sidewalks, stairs, landings & floors
- Both indoor & outdoor falls
- A variety of settings including industrial, commercial, retail, restaurants, grocery stores, & theaters
- Trips over display platforms, grocery stock carts, exposed drains, mats, curbs, and uneven surfaces
- One and two riser stairs
- Safety standards for a safe walking environment applicable to any location where pedestrians might be present